MBA & Accreditations

This is how your MBA education certificate's quality is evaluated

The quality of an MBA's curriculum might vary depending on the student. However, there are organizations both domestically and internationally whose job it is to evaluate MBA programs and confer so-called accreditations on them. The accreditations imply that a number of more prestigious, independent, and international organizations can attest to the educational program's quality based on the following standards:

  • In the job market, education is required
  • The aims for learning outcomes and the professional profile of the education are founded on research and connected to an active, high-quality research environment
  • The education's professional profile and goals for learning outcomes
  • The structure and organization of the education
  • Ongoing internal monitoring of the educational quality

Source: Denmark´s accreditation institute defines accreditations as follows:

"As a procedure, accreditation entails a direct examination of a school's or institution's compliance with a number of quality standards. An institution or program is authoritatively approved or disapproved as a result of accreditation. Receiving exceptional rights, such as the ability to launch your own programs and degrees, may follow authoritative permission."

The American AACSB, the English AMBA, and the European EQUIS are the organizations that are most well-known for providing worldwide accreditation.

The AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS accreditations of the Henley Executive MBA place it in the top 1% of all international management programs in the world for distribution, knowledge, and recognition.


