A Story Worth Telling

For high-performing business minds who strive for success and achieve rewards, Henley is a business school that believes in being human, bringing passion and braving change.

The rich history of Henley Business School spans more than seven decades. Henley Business School was established at Greenlands in Henley, UK, at the end of the second World War. It aimed to bring together both public and private sector employees from across the country to promote ‘the exchange of ideas to mutual advantage’ and develop their skills for the future. Over the years, both the programmes offered and the individuals attending have diversified. The Henley MBA was launched in 1985, and shortly thereafter, Henley began the journey towards becoming a truly international school.Since 1995, Henley Business School has conducted the Henley MBA in Denmark. Later, the offering in Denmark has been complemented by several open executive education programmes and customised programmes for corporate clients.

Henley-history_02_w960 (1)

12. october 1945

Administrative Staff College founded and inaugurated by the British Prime Minister.

March 1948

Henley holds its first course in General Management.


Janurary 1957

The first Danish management course based on Henley's methods takes place.


May 1974

Masters Program (later MBA) begins.



The school is given the right to award university degrees. At the same time, the name is changed to Henley Management College.



Henley Management College merges with the University of Reading and changes name to Henley Business School.

Numbers never lie

Henley's MBA is accredited by EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB, and better known as "the Triple Crown", a recognition and quality assurance that less than one percent of all business schools in the world have achieved.

The most recognized international accreditation institutions are the American AACSB, the English AMBA and the European EQUIS.

The Henley Executive MBA is among the top of the world's international management programs that are triple accredited (AACSB, AMBA & EQUIS) and are therefore highly ranked in terms of distribution, knowledge and recognition.



For best MBA-programme world wide



For network world wide



Alumnies world wide


We are proud to announce that Henley Business School's Executive MBA program is ranked 21st by The Economist's Which MBA? 2020 Executive MBA rankings.


MBA is not a protected title and, in addition to the accreditation of the education and the programme, rankings are one of the parameters you should look at when considering an MBA programme. The school's global ranking gives insight into the quality of the educational institution as a whole, as well as into the MBA program the school offers.

A number of international ranking lists are published annually, showing which EMBA programs and business schools are among the best in the world. One of the most recognized ranking lists is The Economist og The Financial Times.



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Success Stories


Let´s change the world!

Det er en fond bag Henley i Danmark.  Fonden for International Management Education blev stiftet i 1994 af en række danske erhvervsskoler med det formål at styrke danske virksomheders internationale konkurrenceevne gennem lederuddannelser. Alt overskud bliver geninvesteret heri. 

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Our Friends & Partners

Henley Business School har i mere end 25 år uddannet ledere for nogle af verdens førende virksomheder

  • novo-nordisk
  • nordea
  • vestas
  • maersk
  • deloitte


Hos Henley i Danmark kan du forvente et højt niveau af rådgivning, service og support. 

  • Chris-Shern_w480

    Chris Shern Direktør

    Hos henley har vi en klippefast tro på værdien af livslang læring og nysgerrighed. Fremtidens ledere er gjort af formål, udsyn og et bæredygtigt mindset, og det kan læres.

  • Louise-Friis_w480

    Louise Friis Administration & Service

    Jeg værner om den gode oplevelse det skal være at læse hos Henley. Det gælder i vores support, administration og i vores workshops.

  • Jeppe-Terp-Scharling_w480

    Jeppe Terp Scharling MBA

    Som programleder er jeg dit faste holdepunkt på MBA-rejsen. Jeg er selv Henley MBA'er, så jeg har selv været der - og er der, hvis du har brug for rådgivning og sparring.

  • Johan-Frederik-Banzhaf_w480

    Johan Frederik Banzhaf Coaching

    For mig handler god coaching om oprigtig interesse og nærvær. Så det kan du også forvente af mig. Min baggrund er fra psykologien, og jeg er selv godt på vej mod en masteruddannelse i coaching fra Henley.

  • Heidi-Lorenzen_w480

    Heidi Lorenzen Marketing & Sales

    Marketing er for mig i sin reneste form kunsten at skabe værdi for dig med interesse i MBA og ligeledes for vores store netværk af alumner. Jeg sætter en stor ære i, at gøre dig til en del af noget større.

  • Julie-Krogh_w480

    Julie Krogh CRM & Digitalisation

    Fremtiden er digital, og det er jeg i høj grad også. Jeg er som en del af teamet garant for den gode digitale oplevelse i mødet med Henley i Danmark.

  • Asger-Daugbjerg_w480

    Asger Daugbjerg Asia

    Jeg har tilbragt halvdelen af min karriere i Singapore, hvor jeg i dag leder Henleys asiatiske afdeling. Forud for dette har jeg høstet gode oplevelser og erfaringer som entreprenør og som leder af virksomeder.

  • noImage_480w

    Rasmus Halmø Sociale medier & Kommunikation

    Udarbejdelse af strategi & eksekvering af markedsføring er essentielt i verdens globale fremdrift. Derfor brænder jeg for at skabe målbare resultater gennem digital marketing & online content.
